Saturday, March 1, 2014

Blind Date Raincheck

I know I mentioned a very exciting program going on at my local library called "Blind Date with a Book," but it didn't work out for me. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the book; I didn't have time to finish it! The one I ended up with was Hemingway's Girl by Erika Robuck:

(picture taken from Goodread)

I've had this book on my TBR list for a little bit, so I was excited to unwrap it. They had a requirement for me to finish the book by the end of February to review it, but there was another hold on it when my two weeks were up, so I wasn't able to renew it and finish. Anyway, so far it's interesting, and maybe at some point I'll be able to finish it. I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up so you wouldn't be wondering what happened with my blind date plan.

Thanks for coming back to check out my blog! Stay tuned for new reviews on the way soon!


  1. Turns out my library did have a similar program last month! But it was only in the YA section, and by the time I discovered it, I already had my reading plate full for the foreseeable future. But I'll try to make time for it next year -- so fun!

    1. I've seen other places that only do it for YA, too; interesting. I had the same problem with too much on my plate, which is one reason I didn't finish. Definitely next year! It's such a fun idea!
