I may or may not have mentioned before that my reading challenges for this year will be focused more on fun and less on pressure to read more or to find certain texts...if not, you know now! In the spirit of fun, I'm going to count the pages I read with the Let Me Count the Ways 2014 Reading Challenge hosted by Avanti Ciera. There are lots of ways to approach this challenge; I think a lot of people add the number of pages they've read as they complete books. I thought it would be fun to separate this challenge from my others by counting all the pages I read, including criticisms within books and individual poems or short pieces. I won't be counting picture or board books on any of my challenges for this year (although I will still be blogging on those from time to time). I picked the Gold goal level, which is 4001-6000 pages. But as you can see from my challenge status bar on the side, I'm moving much quicker through pages than I thought I would. I think I miscalculated, considering it's the first month and I'm 1/4 of the way through. Crazy! If I reach my goal before June (which is likely), I will raise my goal substantially.
Join me in counting the number of pages you read in 2014, and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any fun, new book discoveries!
Update 4/19/14: I don't know how many of you realized this, but it has come to my attention that the links to this blog and the challenge no longer exist. So, I will continue to count the pages I read this year just for fun, but I won't be linking back to a report page, and I'm going to remove the links to the original post from this page. I've already completed my original goal, but it will be interesting to see how much more I read in 2014! Feel free to link back here if you were doing this challenge. I'd love to hear about your progress or just chat with you about books we're reading this year!
Update 8/21/14: I reached 10,000 pages this week! Pretty crazy. I've only ever tracked the number of books I've read in a year, never pages, so I had no idea I would reach this number so easily! I guess I underestimated the sizes of the books I've been reading. Anyway, I'll still be changing the number of pages I've read on my sidebar, but I won't be changing my goal again, as I have no idea where to set the bar now. Maybe next year I'll have a better idea and can really challenge myself! I hope you all have been having fun with your own challenges--we're over halfway there!
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